Sunday, May 17, 2009

the BEST bread

confession: it didn't come out of my oven. but once i tell you of its buttery goodness, you'll forgive me. (ok, maybe your hips won't but who gave them a vote in this anyways??)

one of my most favorite places has to be mitsuwa. imho, the best ramen in the NYC region is inside these doors. mmm...just thinking about it makes me salivate!!

inside mitsuwa, there is a small bakery stand that has a sign that says "limit 2 boloniya per person." and every time i've gone, there is another sign right next to the first that says "sold out," which only meant i had to try this boloniya thing. well this past saturday, i lucked out when two of my friends managed to snag the last two loaves in the bakery...SCORE!! (shout out to C& guys rock!)

o m g...i undid the twistie tie and almost collapsed when the smell hit me. gawd, butter, egg, butter, a touch of carmelized sugar, butter...the smell was just incredible.
and the taste? let's just say there's a reason why the "sold out" sign is semi-permanently on display. (fyi, boloniya is only made on the weekends.)

1 comment:

  1. This bread is magic bread. At first, we asked, "How do you eat this bread?" We just aren't people who eat bread for the sake of eating bread. It's usually there to mop up sauces, lovingly cradle sandwich meats or be the punishment food for prisoners in galleys.

    But this bread - this bread changed all that. I had dreams about this bread! I love the way you can just pull it apart and those clever Japanese bakers engineered it to spiral out into a perfect portion of crust and fluffy center.

    I wanted to swan dive into this pillowy goodness. I ate it in bed while my husband slept and it felt illicit. We went today and gazed longingly at the empty bread shelf. Oh Boloniya!

    I feel like screaming, "BOLOOOOONIIIIIYAAAAAA!!!!" the way Marlon Brando screams "STEEEELLAAAAA" in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
